ROP Disease

Project Nanhi Aankhe

Key Focus Areas of Project

Education + Awareness

We believe key to saving vision lies in raising awareness about the disease and importance of timely screening. Educative material is designed in simple language and focus on Disease, Risk factors, Importance of screening and timely treatment.

ROP Screening

Our screening program is based on 3 A’s – Acceptable, Accessible, Affordable And Follows 4 T’s Principle Targeted, Training, Telemedicine Tracking

KMC Promotion Campaign


Leading Yet largely Preventable cause of blindness Each Preterm is at risk of ROP Disease and needs ROP Screening. India is the Preterm Capital of the World. 20% of world PTR in India Year 2022

Number of ROP Blind

Babies/yr adding to Existing pool and rising
  • In 2010 – 2000 babies cases registered
  • In 2023 – 5000 babies cases registered
  • In Future 18000 babies cases will affected
  • {As Paucity of Population-based data for ROP actual no. could be very high}
  • 80% among above are blind Due to Unawareness+ non-screening south Indian study showed increament in the number of babies with advanced disease.

Baby: We can save

  • 8 out of 10 babies from blindness.

Changing Trends

  • Inc. Preterm birth
  • Dec. IMR
  • Inc. Survival of Micro prime
  • Inc. IVF + Life style D Leading to Inc. Preterm Rising Population.


Mental, physical, social, economic wellbeing of baby+ family
National Economic burden
  • Loss on income 170,624 INR
  • Inc. in National Blind Health expense


Lack of Specialist across nation
  • 800 NICU and only 30% have screening facility
  • Majority of ROP Blind children received NICU care.


Awareness on various channels
  • Newspaper
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Social Media
  • Posters Inside NICU
  • Stickers on Dischargepaper
  • Closed group Awareness
  • Asha Workers Training
  • Nursing staff Training

How we do Screening

A Technician trained in ROP Screening of new born babies travel to different NICU located in Rural/ Urban/ Semi Urban areas weekly based on fixed timetable. ROP screening is done using a special fundus camera designed for new born babies ( Portable, Digital Wide field fundus camera, NeoForus). Images of the babies retina are taken by technician. Babies needing ROP screening are selected based on National Guidelines by Govt. of India. These images are then reported according to International Classification ICROP-3 by trained ROP Specialist and Treatment is advised accordingly. This is exactly the same approach which is done while we go for X-ray / CT Scan/ MRI. This approach is pioneered by KIDROP Program of Varayana Nethralaya Bengaluru, which is approved by GOI and CDC Guidelines.
Our Technician is Trained at HVDEH Pune , A national Centre for ROP Training.
Milestone    2020   * Foundation Registered * Camera Purchased
2022       Training of Doctor
2023    * Training of Technician * Program Staned in 2 District * 500 babies screened * 1000 screening sessions * 50 eyes saved
2024    * Website developed * Training (of Asha Workers) * Stickers (on Discharge card) * Posters (outside NICU)

Core Strength of our Project “नन्ही आंखें”

  • We meet the 4 cardinal Principles of screening by WHO
  • We follow National Guidelines
  • We do Evidence based follow up and advise treatment accordingly
  • Committed trained staff
  • Engagement and Education of parents
  • We promote KMC at each visit
  • Model based on KIDROP program
  • Our Approach is safe, Patient centered, timely, effective and efficient
  • We are dedicated, determined and putting Consistent effort for the cause.
  • We continuously thrive for improving the program quality.

ROP screening

Our approach

Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure all young people and children get all the support they need, when they need it, no matter what it is.
Whether it is a reassuring conversation, financial help, education, professional training, or simply the assurance that they are not alone, we will make sure that everyone gets support that meets them where they’re at as quickly as possible.
Our Vision
We want to build a world where no child or youth feels alone and gets every possible help they need as soon as possible.
Our entire team wants to see a world where every youngster struggling in any way feels able to reach out and has people who’ll help them with education, jobs, and more. We want to spread out in every region so we’ll be reachable to all.
Our Partners

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0 M+
Food Provided
0 T