Typically starts within 2-3 weeks after birth with no symptoms and can be detected early
Serious lack of awareness & resources
Non- uniform distribution of resources
Huge cost of disease unattended
Treatment of ROP contributes to a family, society and our nation
ROP Affected Babies/Yr Adding To The Existing Pool & Constantly Rising
Lack of Specialists Across Nation
800 NICU and only 30% have screening facility
Majority of ROP Blind children received NICU care.
Awareness on various channels
Newspaper, radio, TV, social media, posters inside NICU, stickers on discharge paper, closed group awareness, Asha workers training and nursing staff training
Increased Preterm births
Decreased IMR
Increased survival of Micro Prime
Increased IVF & Lifestyle Diseases(leading to increasing preterm populations)
Mental, physical, social, economic wellbeing of the baby and the family